Comments From Clients, Students and Collectors of my artwork...

"Marina came highly recommended to me by a long time friend 16 years ago. He referred her to me as an intuitive psychic. I knew he would only send me to a worker of the light.

Marina was so accurate in our session, I got spooked and didn't reach out to her for another 16 years. At the time, I wasn't ready or open to hear a few things, even though I was the one asking the questions.

Recently, I've had four consultations and am looking forward to more. I am grateful and ready for her insights. They are a gift to me in so many ways. Though I'm very aware and open to going to therapy when needed, lately I've been dealing with things that felt beyond therapy, things at another level.In my sessions, we cover a wide array of topics like health, relationships, past lives, frustrations, patterns and how people and animals I love are doing on the other side, this gives me great peace.

To me Marina is a godsend and a blessing. I let 16 years slip away, and I don't want to lose any more time with her. I'm thankful she's still doing her phone consultations. Reaching out to Marina has been one of the best decisions of my life. I consider myself lucky to have her in my life and I have benefitted greatly from our time together!

Amber Grady, FL

"Marina has an amazing gift for taking profound concepts and explaining them in a way that makes it easy to understand and grasp and in the process, allowing us to be empowered by the knowledge."

~Dr. Michael Wayne, Author and Acupuncturist

"I have been a client of Marina Petro's for intuitive guidance for over twenty years. Marina  is not only gifted and insightful but is able to package the information presented in a way that it is useful to the recipient to move forward, to recognize the unfoldment of opportunities and to  work through challenges. The intuitive guidance may also  save, months , days and years from barking up the wrong tree.   Marina's guidance goes to the deeper longings of the client, I often think of her as a reader of ones soul-...bottom line... highly recommended."
~ Kenneth N., Florida

 "Some people turn to therapists or drugs. I've turned to Marina for over 20 years. She is more than a spiritual guide, more than an Intuitive. She is a sister, a mother, a friend. Her creative talents adorn my walls. Her words, her visions, her messages and her deep knowing has been an infallible source of wisdom over the years and I truly wonder where I'd be without it."

~Janet Perini, Healing Arts Professional

"Marina is a cornucopia of talent, of skill and integrity. Her work speaks for itself. An overflow of beauty is the result in all that she undertakes. She is innovative and courageous. A gift to the world!"

~Sage Walker, Spiritual Educator, Canada

"I've had the pleasure of receiving a couple of intuitive consultations from Marina. Each time, Marina's ability in discernment and to trust her inner voice provided me with just the right guidance to continue along my path. Her readings left me not only with a sense of peace, but also with a definite sense of direction."
~Michael Clarkson-Hendrix

"My initial meeting with Marina was in 1990 when I received an intuitive reading which proved to be highly accurate and insightful. The knowledge and spiritual guidance obtained at that time and subsequent readings have helped me beyond measure. Her workshops are well organized, reasonably priced and present the opportunity for the students to access their intuitive nature in a highly supportive environment. As an visionary artist, her work transports the viewer to a place that connects on a soul level. I feel so honored to have her work "Spirit Rising" on the cover of my CD "Soul Songs". Marina has been an important part of my spiritual journey over the past 20 years and I am so grateful for all that she gives and all that she is.”
~Linda Thompson, Healing Arts Professional

" I have had the opportunity to work with Marina a few years ago, and the results were transformative for me. She helped me through a particularly rough time in my life. I would recommend her to anyone desiring this type of work. I also own some of her artwork, which adds wonderful energy to my home."
~Linda Reese

"Marina has opened avenues in my life through her art, her readings and her workshops, that I never would have dreamed of opening on my own. Her insights are the catalyst for positive life changes, in my case, in the "dark night of my soul" the two things that anchored me, developed from just one reading with Marina. Her work is both thought provoking and soothing, transcends description in words and reveals a holistic understanding of self and more. She has helped bring both balance, beauty and blessings into my life."
~Linda Walker, NY

“Marina has become a confidante, a person I have relied upon for more than 25 years. I have taken advantage of almost every service Marina has offered and she has never, ever let me down. I incorporate her thoughts and recommendations into everything I do every day of my life. What more can be said? Can you think of ANYONE in your life you could say that about and mean it? Marina is my strength and my wisdom - I wish others could benefit as I have...”
~Janice Maguire, MBA

“I have worked with Marina throughout the years. She has integrity and has guided me in a way that is for my highest good always. My trust in her is so deep that I brought my daughter who now checks in regularly as an adult. Marina has been a gift to our local community and beyond."
~Lin Murphy, Professional Life Coach

“I have used Marina's services as an Intuitive Counsellor for several years. Her accuracy has become trusted to me and I have come to rely on her. I have also taken her Intuitive Development classes and she has opened my own intuitive abilities to a degree which I never knew possible. I still contact her for confirmation that I am on the right track.”
~Kweli Ya-Saleem, Healing Arts Professional